Our human capital comprises the leading, most experienced, and successful professionals in the Israeli real estate arena, and is the base for our position as one of the leading companies in the field.

Our human capital comprises the leading, most experienced, and successful professionals in the Israeli real estate arena, and is the base for our position as one of the leading companies in the field.

Didi Yedidya

Founder, CEO, and Owner
"In the coming decade, Rotem Shani will become one of Israel's top ten real estate companies, thanks to our specialty and focus, and by realizing our growth potential."
Mr. Yedidya is a retired IDF Colonel and graduate of MBA studies with a specialty in financing. He has been in the real estate market since the 1990s, and in 1996 he founded Rotem Shani along with Avi Turiski, his partner. Didi is in charge of the company's core activities, including building organizational and financial infrastructure, oversight and management of our project's business development, engineering, and planning teams, and management of all aspects of its public trading on TASE.

Avi Turiski

Founder, Chairman of Board, and Owner

"Our professional abilities, the desire to continue leading the real estate industry, along with our reputation and our customers' satisfaction – all these lead to a solid base for the company's growth and expansion."

Mr. Turiski is a graduate of Tel Aviv University's Economics and Business Administration faculty. Born in Israel and raised in France, Avi began his career in the field of high-yield industry in France, and upon his return to Israel, founded a pioneering real estate marketing firm, before founding Rotem Shani with his partner Didi Yedidya in 1996. Turiski manages the company's headquarters and its staff and is responsible for liaison with its partners – land and property owners, as well as sales, marketing, planning, engineering, and oversight.

איתן ארנון


"מחלקת הכספים היא עמוד התווך של החברה, המצוינות של המחלקה מאפשרת לחברה את הבסיס היציב להמשך פיתוחה וקידומה"

בעל תואר ראשון במנהל עסקים התמחות בראיית חשבון וניהול סיכונים מהמכללה למנהל וכן תואר שני בחשבונאות מאוניברסיטת בר אילן. בוגר קורס דירקטורים של אוניברסיטת בר אילן ובעל תעודת מנהל סיכונים מהאיגוד הישראלי למנהלי סיכונים.

רו"ח איתן ארנון בעל ניסיון רב בתחום הכספים בחברות ציבוריות, הן במחלקת הכספים והן כרו"ח מבקר. בתפקידו האחרון במחלקת הכספים בחברת "דיפלומט שיווק והפצה" היה שותף להליך הנפקת החברה לראשונה (IPO) בבורסה לני"ע בתל אביב, עסק בהכנת דוחות כספיים, דיווחים שוטפים להנהלה ולרשויות וכן דוחות מס. בוגר משרד סומך חייקין (KPMG) במחלקת ביקורת הייטק.

Natali Sabag

Office Manager

"Rotem Shani is a growing family that maintains the quality of its human capital, its clients and partners."

Ms. Sabag has vast experience in human resources and customer service. Before joining the company she served as Director of Operations at Shviro Glass. She is responsible for all areas of employee relations, human resources, and management of the office team.

יניב מנהל פיתוח עסקי בחברת רותם שני

Yaniv Yeshula

Business Development Manager

"being genius is being simple" 

Mr. Yeshula  is a graduate of B.Sc degree in industrial engineering and management from Tel Aviv University. Entrepreneur in real estate since 2011, with a specialization in urban renewal.

at the beginning of his career, he was an adviser to Bank Leumi and Bank Discount in a Lean Management project. He brings extensive experience in initiating particularly complex real estate projects.

In his previous positions, Yaniv was the leader of a main project to streamline the branching system at Bank Leumi and Bank Discount, which was hailed as highly successful. He began his career in the field of real estate as an independent entrepreneur when he led projects of a wide scope and size in the central and northern cities of Israel.

More about Rotem Shani